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V letu 2022 se je uspešno zaključil projekt Vsaka zgodba šteje

Javna agencija za knjigo RS je skupaj z Acesso Cultura, Associação Cultural (PT), Bluedar (DE), Mediart International (HR), Stichting ROSE (NL) in glavnim partnerjem Vlaams Fonds voor de Letteren (BE) sodelovala v projektu EU Vsaka zgodba šteje – ustvarjajmo zgodbe za vse / Every story matters – making books more inclusive. Projekt je bil zasnovan z zavedanjem, da imajo knjige veliko družbeno moč, saj branje širi obzorja in krepi empatijo. Med cilji projekta je bila spodbuda celotni produkcijski verigi otroške in mladinske literature, da bi temeljila na inkluzivnosti, multikulturnosti in raznolikosti. Po zaključku uspešnega projekta je navdihujoče prejeti tudi zelo pozitiven odziv s strani EU.

»The Every Story Matter project aimed to highlight inclusion and diversity in the world of children's literature. To do so, they have successfully declined 2 main priorities of the Program, Capacity Building and Audience Development.

To achieve their goal, they launched the idea of a European charter on inclusion and diversity in the publishing world and launched a training program for 6 emerging illustrators. Around these 2 main axes, they have participated in many Internationally renowned Book Fairs (including Bologna in 2022 and Frankfurt in 2021 and 2022) but also organized many conferences and workshops (onsite and online) with professionals of the sector. The high point of the project was the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022 where they received the opportunity to organize the closure conference on this subject. This conference is the proof of the quality of the project and the interest raised among the actors of publishing sector.

These discussions on diversity and inclusion also focused on the audience. On several occasions adults and children from all horizons and including migrants have been involved. It’s important to have exchanges between the public and professionals, books must speak to everyone, books should be the mirror of the society we would like to live on.

Thanks to the debates of ideas, they understood that a charter had the risk of being too rigid and they moved towards an online platform allowing greater modularity. This "Effort Matter" platform allows to share articles and comments from professionals of the sector but also with all those interested in the subject. They have also launched a collaboration with Tilburg University, which is part of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (Masters in Children's Literature, Media & Culture) programme, of which inclusion and diversity are key elements.

The creative workshop was the 2nd pillar of the project. They selected 6 emerging artists to help them create a children's book on the themes of inclusion and diversity. Helped by professionals, they participated in Masterclasses to improve their knowledge of all steps, from the creation to the publication. Even the presentation to public has been took into consideration. Indeed, the fruit of their work were presented at the Frankfurt Fair 2022, so these young authors received a special session to apprehend this presentation in the best conditions. In the end, the quality was there and 4 of the authors found a publisher.

As with many cultural projects, the COVID crisis was a disruptive element but the team was able to find innovative solutions to keep their line of conduct.

Diversity and inclusion have become important themes for the European Union over the years. Mentalities will not change immediately. It will take time and childhood is certainly a good time to learn respect, tolerance and differences from everyone. Literatuur Vlaanderen and its partners have masterfully carried out this project and we hope their will to continue will be possible.«

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