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Announcement of Public call for proposals for funding of cultural projects to co-finance the printing costs of translations of original Slovene works in foreign languages for the year 2022

Slovenian Book Agency announces that Call for proposals for funding of cultural projects to co-finance the printing costs of translations of original Slovene works in foreign languages for the year 2022

(referred to as JR12–TRUBAR–2022) is going to open on Friday 22 July 2022.

The call will be opened until 31 August 2022.

The subject of the public call JR12–TRUBAR–2022 is the selection of contractors and the co-financing the printing costs of translations of original Slovene works in foreign languages in year 2022. JAK will also co-finance translation of works, written in other languages, when author is a part of Slovenian cultural environment.

In the framework of this call JAK will co-finance the printing costs of first editions in foreign languages of authors whose original work is created in Slovene or works, written in other languages, when author is a part of Slovenian cultural environment, in the fields of literarture and human science for adults, young adults and children (including silent books, graphic novels and comics) as well as essays and reviews from the field of culture and art (specifically excluding support for publication of text books, scientific monographs, exhibition catalogues, cookbooks and self-help manuals).

Eligible applicants are legal entities (publishers) registered abroad, who intend to ensure the publication of the first translation of a literary work, originaly written in Slovene language, or work, written in other languages, when author is a part of Slovenian cultural environment.

An individual applicant may submit a maximum of three (3) individual book projects within the framework of this call.

The public call documentation will be available on the JAK website

Contact persons for the call:

- Katja Stergar, e-pošta: katja.stergar(at), tel.: +386 (0) 1 369 58 27.